Men in the Morning

Men in the Morning


Men in the Morning is a monthly faith-sharing gathering on the 2nd Saturday of each month beginning at 7am to 8am, online via Zoom.

We read and listen to the Gospel for the coming Sunday. We pause a minute or two in silence. Then we share our thoughts and comments (or not) as the Spirit may inspire or compel. There is no requirement to speak; you could just listen if you like. There is no list of questions to answer or format to follow (we do try to adhere to our start and stop times though.) There is no RSVP needed.

An email reminder and invitation is sent a day or two ahead of time that contains the Zoom link and introductory information including the Gospel reading. If you would like to be included on the monthly email reminders, please send your name and email address to Mike Hoffman at: Feel free to forward the link you receive to any guy you think might be interested. They do not need to be KofC members. They do not even need to be Catholic.

Consider joining us on the 2nd Saturdays at 7am, before the needs of the day begin to press on you! You might be surprised at what you think.